Daily Affirmations to Change your life

Daily Affirmations to Change your life

Affirmations are very powerful tools to change your life. Not only does affirming help you to draw those experiences to you it enables you to feel good about yourself and your life. When you say your affirmations its important to say them in the present tense and to allow yourself to feel the emotional response that you would have it you already had what you are affirming. Such as I am fit and healthy – how would if feel if you were fit and healthy? It would feel like a blessing so feel that when you are saying those words etc. One of the biggest assisting tools to manifesting in your life is Self Love. So here are some of my tips. 1. Affirm daily in the mirror (even if very uncomfortable) I love myself, I am loveable, I am loving, I am a good person, etc. 2. write down in a journal daily – the above but add in elements of your personality that you should be grateful for or wish to have but always do so in the present tense. Such as: I love myself, I am a good father, I am loving, I have empathy for others, I like to smile at people, I care about myself, I put myself first. I feel good about myself because: etc. 3. Be grateful for your life – change your perspective. Focus on the good that is around you. Even if at the moment it is only…. the stars….. the sun….. the trees… There is always something to be grateful for. I am grateful for my dishwasher! I am grateful for my comfortable bed, I am grateful for my family, I am grateful for….. etc. 4. Make the decision
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Paul McKenna can change your life – Programme 6

39 thoughts to “Daily Affirmations to Change your life”

  1. Guys, knowing the complete secrets to happiness, health, and success does not need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search a famous program known as Zumavelax Secrets (do a google search). Seriously, that course has changed my life. I probably should not even be mentioning it cause I do not want a bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am just in a great mood today so I’ll share the wealth haha.

  2. You’re changing the program in your subconscious mind. The more you say it out loud to yourself, the greater effect it will have. If you work out, the lesser repetitions you do, the less your body will change. Same concept. Visualization works faster but you have to be disciplined in a different way. You have to do it once a day everyday with no interruptions. Read the book Creative Visualization if that’s what you want to do.

  3. is it necessary to say them 21 times?Cant it be lesser than it i.e 10,11?and do we have to close our eyes,take deep breathes and visualize as well or just say them to ourself?(I am asking this because simply saying is easier while for brething etc will have to be outdoors and it takes a lot of time to visualize properly)


    30billionaireschangingtheworld dot kom

  5. Great video…affirmations and declarations should be a way of life for everyone, but unfortunately not everyone has been exposed to this practice. 

  6. hey what if I dont feel emotional or passionate about it sometimes? should I keep still doing it because some days i feel emotional when i do it but some days i dont

  7. Thank you for your reply. I am going to do this. And your statement about saying trying, really makes sense. Its time to alter my life and create what ive always wanted. Here goes!

  8. BTW, stop saying I’m trying. The statement implies NO in advance. When you invite someone to a party and they say “I’ll try”…it means no…son don’t be disappointed when I don’t show up. Get Rid of “I’LL TRY.” You’ve already told your subconscious that it can’t be done. “I am winner” gives off a completely different message than “I’ll try to be a winner”. One guarentees success.
    I’ll try implies…I might fail. Never say it.

  9. Do them EVERY DAY for 30 days. 21 times in the AM & 21 times before you go to sleep. SIMPLE sentences starting with “I am…”. MUST be present tense. Pick something that would feel joyous to u AS IF IT HAS ALREADY OCCURRED. Not in the future. Also, I want u to know that pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional:-) People who r happy & grateful lead better lives & have more success. Remember IT’S IN YOU. STOP looking at what’s outside u. It’s not out there. It’s coming from YOU!

  10. HOW LONG HAVE you been doing all these affirmations on a daily basis? i see from your responses it has totally helped you. I have been trying to follow the law of attraction for a while now but i always fall off the wagon and sink into a depression. As much as a it try and try i cant find happiness, even though i try to convince my self happiness is not a destination but rather a way of life but still i lose the battle. How do you do it? I have hit rock bottom in my life,

  11. What planet are you from…if you don’t have “an Abundance” of money, your life is not good? Frickin fruitcakes…..

  12. Glad you started. And yes, I, John Smith, am..You, John Smith, are & He, John Smith, are…It seems to work faster. KEEP doing it with all the emotion you can muster & keep saying the EXACT same affirmations daily. You’ll start noticing a change within 3 weeks but keep after it. The month will be over & everyone around you will notice the change..and YOU will too! Everything starts happening to YOU. All you have to do is the affirmations daily. One month & you’ll never be the same:-)

  13. Hi again. So nice to come home to more replies from you:-) I almost said one affirmation out loud to a customer today. Haha.. I manage to stop myself. Do you mean like “I, Mar.. love and respect myself”?? SOmetimes when I have thought something nice (?) it’s like I’ve felt a positive response. How nice that your nephew got positive results. Perhaps I’ll be one of your far away sucsesses??!! 🙂 Glad I posted a comment here 🙂

  14. Stick with it…The change starts to happen as long as you’re doing the exercises. I got my nephew to stick with it when I told him he could change his life in 30 days…so he was willing to do it EVERYDAY. NO ONE could believe how much he changed..including his friends & parents. He stuck with it because it was only 30 days. He also attracted the girl of his dreams, he got straight A’s and became the most popular guy. BTW, he used a different affirmation (but similar). GET STARTED!

  15. Try…”I love & respect myself”. “Today, all good things now come to me”
    Work on ur self esteem for the NEXT 30 DAYS. Say these 2 sentences 21 times in A.M.& 21 times in P.M. (& in between if u can). Say them OUT LOUD to yourself (when no one’s around so u don’t feel self conscious). You are reprogramming what u think about yourself. Put emotion into it. Speed it up with..”I,(name) .., You,(name), He, (name). That’s how my nephew became popular. Do it EVERYDAY. Start today! It works!

  16. Thank you so very much again 🙂 Was so glad to see a new response from you. I know I can’t change everything in 30 days, even if that would be nice. My mind hardly know what to choose first, so I get myself a little “dizzy” over that one. But I am considering “I am willing to change now” and “I love myself no matter what”. That love myself is the hard one. But it is possible to use 2 or 3 or more? I just have to remember either way that I don’t stop when I have a good day

  17. Start with the 1 that’s important to u now. This way u won’t get overwhelmed trying to change EVERYTHING in 30 days. Start with only 1 affirmation that pertains to something u want today. Remember to stop worrying about how it’s going to happen. Once you’ve programmed your subconcious mind through repetition…things will happen TO YOU. So stop worrying & do the homework I gave you everyday for 30 days. You will be SO happy you did:-) The important thing is to START & stick with it.

  18. Hi. Thank you sooo much for your replies 🙂 And so quickly. I guess I have to work on the EVERY DAY part… I always suck at doing things every day. But I do need to get better. Only one?? mmm… Wouldn’t know quite where to start then, since I need to change several things. How long have you been using affirmations, and do you use or make new affirmations when you feel you need something changed? Did your mind ever fight you,and what did you do then? Thank you again. 🙂

  19. Last tip…you may want to start with “I am so happy & grateful now that…”
    (fill it in with your desire) like “I have found the perfect job” or “money now comes to me easily & frequently through multiple sources continuously” or “I have found my perfect mate” etc. Only use one idea. It works better. I can only use suggestions…I don’t know what you want. Good luck!

  20. Remember, if you get lazy about doing them…you’re sabotaging yourself. You only have to commit to it for 30 days straight. Make a commitment to doing them knowing that it WORKS. You have nothing to lose. So do it everyday with emotional conviction that its already happening. Don’t lose faith. Just make it part of your daily ritual for 30 days. Things will start happening to you. The subconscious, without your conscious help or effort, starts creating it. It knows more thatn u do!

  21. When u want affirmations to work…u only have to do them EVERYDAY for 30 DAYS straight. Once they sink in, your subconscious takes over. You don’t have to DO anything except repeat the EXACT affirmation everyday for 30 days…21 times in the morning..21 times at night & in between if you can. They work much better & faster if you SAY IT ALOUD to yourself. DON’T SKIP A DAY. It works like magic:-) Make it simple & in the PRESENT TENSE. NEVER (“going to”, “will”) . Start with..”I am..”

  22. I listened to the old quit smoking tape, 2nd part last night the hypnosis one and no joke, I woke up this morning not wanting a cig, it was a really weird feeling to wake up and not even want to smoke a cig, it does really work if you can be half asleep when the tape is on, I have smoked approx 10% of the tobacco today I would normally smoke and instead of it being hard its not… its not easy no, but its NOT hard though, not like it is when you “try” to quit. This isn’t trying its just quitting

  23. most hypnotists use the same techniques, look for a properly registered hypnotherapist and you can get the same results.

  24. anybody has his audio tapes please share or refer me to videos on YT that its on. thanks

  25. how did he help u? ive bin listenin 2 the cd’s but im not relly sure they’re workin? eg i can make u thin but i dont really feel any changes?

  26. I have to say his positivity set really helped me immensely.

    Took about two weeks before I was boosted enough to start improving but man shit improved fast when it did.

    Love ya Paul.

  27. why don’t you just look for someone in the area were you live? or is that one of your many problems? Most hypnotist know about NLP and use it and they learned from the same two guy’s that Paul learned from…he’s just the famous one that likes being in front of the camera (the most)

  28. I really hope to meet Paul one day. I have so many disorders, can’t even count them on two hands.

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