How to Change Your life: Quit Your Job!

How to quit your job and follow your passion. Today’s job market is beyond tough but don’t pigeon hole yourselves people. You can do more than one thing. You went to school for a, b or c, all you’ve ever done is d, e or f? What about the rest of the letters?? Life is too short to be stuck running someone else’s race. Courage is key but timing and planning run a pretty close second. Everyone deserves the chance or two to just try to live the life they dreamed of. If you fall guess what? Get back up. But one thing’s for certain and that is you will definitely fail if you never try. xoxo, Rachelle
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts to “How to Change Your life: Quit Your Job!”

  1. I came across this video today. Not quite ready to let go of my steady paycheck, but will happen soon. I love your energy, and I look forward to watching your other videos. 🙂

  2. Quit my job today in your words it was killing my soul everyday at work was miserable for me and I’ve become very depressed I couldn’t do it anymore. We all spend too many hours of the day at work to be hating every min of it. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders an now I can focus on the next step. Wonderful video! xx

  3. I really needed to watch this. I am in a job that is killing my soul and making me sick. I have lost weight and feel dread every day before I walk into the office. Gearing up to leave because I have no more to give to this place. Thanks for this video!

  4. I did find something.. but once I told my boss (I have two jobs, this is the job I like and what I went to school for) that I was interviewing she basically begged me to stay, offering me a promotion (and of course a raise in pay!!) so that I could quit the job I hate and just have the one. I’m still debating on what I should do tho. =

    Hope you have some good luck! Everyone deserves a job they love going to! =)

  5. I loved this video. You are adorable and I am definately subscribing! Your advice was good. I am in the same boat. I make a good living yet dislike what i do. Rachelle is right. Picture your goals. I have been and I intend on moving to the beach doing something that makes less money, but my sanity will be saved. Guess what? my hubby too!!

  6. Have you found anything, you sound like me xD
    I have to go back in tmoz :'(

  7. LOL @ Your reaction to her not getting paid .. I really needed this .. like for real.

  8. You are so gorgeous! Very vibrant and bright personality that lights you from the inside out….IMMACULATE, is what describes you! 🙂

  9. i started repeating outfits lol its friday for me all damn week bye

  10. Needed this laugh. I am a 27 year old college student who is working a 3rd shift job and going to school full time. I have always been a hard worker in everything I do, but my job does not appreciate me and many other employees. We are under paid, told that we cant get too good of a evaluation because they dont want to give us our raise. But thats not even the bad part. The worst part about this job is the respect. I have been here 4 years. Havent called in not once and I am always on time smh.

  11. I have been interviewing and searching for the last two weeks so I can quit the job I’ve been at for the last 6 years. It is time. After Xmas I want to cut all ties completely. I don’t ever wanna go back. And I know that once I’m free of it I will be happier. I hate the people that I work with, I hate the customers.. I hate the atmosphere. Couldn’t think of a better gift to give myself than a fresh start in the new year. I hope the Lord hears me and helps me get this job!! lol *WOO-SAH*

  12. LMBO!! You are hilarious! I needed this, this job I have now is starting to effect my health. I’am 25 with high blood pressure, one time it was so high they thought I was gonna be admitted! Im gonna pay my bills up for a few months and then tell them to kiss my ***

  13. This was definitely me this past Summer (losing weight, stressed, irritable) and thank God just when I was ready to throw in the towel a position in my field opened up……. He will show up and show out trust! SN: I love ur personality – real & hilarious smh.

  14. Damn I needed this. It’s what your spirit is telling you already but it always helps you get motivated when you hear someone who’s been there.

  15. GIRLLL! You have blessed me today, and They love to write us up over ANYTHING don’t they? When my “supervisor” tried to write me up, and HER supervisor tore up the write ups in her face, it was a God moment. The racist air in that place will swallow your soul, but I prayed to THE LORD to deliver me from that evil, soul killing place! Bishop Jakes said it best when he said, “You KNOW when its time yo GO!”

  16. How about have your Mother, Father, sister die in 11 months another sister have a stroke during this time. while your Dad dies in the hospital your recieve a call requiring a life or death answer in medical terms they call it code blue, you get wrote up for leaving to take your Dad, while on funeral leave you recieve a call asking when you will be returning, I can go on, like being hired to do a job but never once in 4 years working in that area, I call it my JOB experience, JOB in the Bible.

  17. Awesome!!!! Great video! Could’t have said it better my self I recently went through a similar situation. I just simply went in one day and resigned. When you start having physical, mental and emotional issues that arise from your employment it’s time to go! No amount of money is worth being miserable for any length of time. Have faith and move on this is so not worth it.

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