Nuke the moon: CIA’s real life plan to cause moonquakes….

Nuke the moon: CIA’s real life plan to cause moonquakes….

Plans to establishing subterranean army bases, steal rockets and cause moonquakes using nuclear weapons were recently unveiled in newly declassified governme…
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27 thoughts to “Nuke the moon: CIA’s real life plan to cause moonquakes….”

  1. I don’t doubt too much that the CIA snatched a “lunic robotic spacecraft”
    from the Russians for a few hours, but we didn’t catch up because of that.
    We caught up because we provided safe haven for Nazi scientists in lieu of
    charging them for war crimes. I like RT, but we have to sort through their
    Russian propaganda. 

  2. Not surprising, anything to spread around American Exceptionalism, and
    Crony Capitalist overrun Representative Republics. We should be spreading
    around free trade, not free bombs.

  3. USA stealing from Russia. If you can beat them steal from them.

  4. nuke the moon. why does most of the worst ideas come from america

  5. Ahh yes the U.S Govt always looking out for Americans, that is why they
    MURDERED Americans on 911 ! Because they love you!

  6. space program is the largest waste of us taxpayer dollars. some people say
    nasa helped develop a lot of things we used today, but all of that stuff
    could have been developed by the private sector if all that tax money
    wasn’t taken away

  7. Problems on the moon means problems for us, so I would have thought.

  8. “project Horizon” Nuke the Moon.

    #CIA #Moon #Nuclear #Terror

  9. Look out, Moon
    Merica’s gonna getcha
    Gonna go Kaboom
    It was nice to have metcha
    Cause ya don’t mess around
    With God’s America

  10. I wish we’d take all the elites and send them to the moon permanetly!

  11. Part of me finds this sad/pathetic while the other part makes me laugh. If
    there was ANYONE who would even THINK about trying to bomb the moon, it
    would be the ‘Muricans lol….. ** sigh **

    No tourist moon resorts, civilian space tours, or anti gravity
    technology… but hey – we can turn a crater into a slightly bigger crater!

  12. Wow she is gorgeous. . I don’t mind the lies if get to watch her read them.

  13. looks like they are out to destroy each other on the moon ! the bases
    already exist and the space war has begun ! skitzophrenic spicopaths and
    sociopaths ! there is just no limit to their destruction ! when will people
    realize that they are next on their mad agenda ! Sheeple roll over and just
    let it happen ! 

  14. And why never get back to the moon ? What happening in the Moon? What the
    moon is hidding ? There’s a secret base in it? or the most wicked Alien
    base ?

    How come this people is expending billions in Mars when they can work in
    the Moon and Extract Helium 3 as source of Energy.

    Many questions with possible impossible answers

  15. thats why these crackers got to go!!! everything they touch ; they
    destroy!!!!and guess what??? thats what your made for; for a limited time

  16. What a load of nonsense, if the yanks hadn’t got hold of that fucking Nazi
    cunt Wernher von Braun and not punished the fucking cunt for bombing the
    shit out of London they wouldn’t have ever got to the moon before the

  17. Could this be a soft disclosure from the russian site? Very welcome, keep
    on going.

  18. We really have No idea of the true insanity that these fools have. ! Not
    only do we have enough nukes to destroy this plant 100x over lets come up
    with a plan to nuke the moon also just for security purposes. This world is
    govern by madmen psychopaths !

  19. Plans to establishing subterranean army bases, steal rockets and cause
    moonquakes using nuclear weapons were recently unveiled in newly
    declassified government documents. Part of the US’ effort to catch up to
    and overtake Russia in the Cold War era space race, some of these plans
    actually became a reality. RT’s Ameera David takes a look.

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